mongocli om metric processes
Get measurements for a given host
Name | Description |
--end <end> | End of the period, in UNIX Epoch format, until which to retrieve measurements |
--granularity <granularity> | Duration in ISO 8601 notation that specifies the interval between measurement data points. Only the following subset of ISO 8601-formatted time periods are supported: PT10S, PT1M, PT5M, PT1H, P1D |
--output, -o <output> | Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file |
--period <period> | Duration in ISO 8601 that specifies how far back in the past to retrieve measurements |
--projectId <projectId> | Project ID to use. Overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable |
--start <start> | Beginning of the period, in UNIX Epoch format, from which to start retrieving measurements |
--type <type> | Measurements to return. If it is not specified, all measurements are returned |