mongocli om admin backup s3 update
Update a backup S3 blockstore configuration
Name | Description |
--acceptedTos |
--assignment | Flag indicating whether this blockstore can be assigned backup jobs |
--awsAccessKey <awsAccessKey> | AWS Access Key ID that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName |
--awsSecretKey <awsSecretKey> | AWS Secret Access Key that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName |
--disableProxyS3 | Flag indicating whether the HTTP proxy should be used when connecting to Amazon S3 |
--encryptedCredentials | Flag indicating whether the username and password were encrypted using the credentials tool |
--label <label> | Array of tags to manage which backup jobs Ops Manager can assign to which blockstores |
--loadFactor <loadFactor> | A positive, non-zero integer that expresses how much backup work this snapshot store should perform compared to another snapshot store |
--output, -o <output> | Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file |
--pathStyleAccessEnabled | Flag indicating the style of this endpoint |
--s3AuthMethod <s3AuthMethod> |
--s3BucketEndpoint <s3BucketEndpoint> |
--s3BucketName <s3BucketName> |
--s3MaxConnections <s3MaxConnections> | Positive integer indicating the maximum number of connections to this Amazon S3 blockstore |
--sseEnabled | Flag indicating whether this Amazon S3 blockstore enables server-side encryption |
--uri <uri> |
--writeConcern <writeConcern> | The write concern used for this blockstore |