sfdx force:package1:version:create
Create a first-generation package version in the release org
Name | Description |
--json | Format output as json |
--loglevel <loglevel> | Logging level for this command invocation |
-u, --targetusername <targetusername> | Username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org |
--apiversion <apiversion> | Override the api version used for api requests made by this command |
-i, --packageid <packageid> | ID of the metadata package (starts with 033) of which you’re creating a new version |
-n, --name <name> | Package version name |
-d, --description <description> | Package version description |
-v, --version <version> | Package version in major.minor format, for example, 3.2 |
-m, --managedreleased | Create a managed package version |
-r, --releasenotesurl <releasenotesurl> | Release notes URL |
-p, --postinstallurl <postinstallurl> | Post install URL |
-k, --installationkey <installationkey> | Installation key for key-protected package (default: null) |
-w, --wait <wait> | Minutes to wait for the package version to be created (default: 2 minutes) |