force:lightning:lint | Analyze (lint) Aura component code |
fig-completion | Generate a Fig completion spec |
commands | List all the commands |
plugins | List installed plugins |
plugins:inspect | Displays installation properties of a plugin |
plugins:install, plugins:add | Installs a plugin into the CLI |
plugins:link | Links a plugin into the CLI for development |
plugins:uninstall, plugins:unlink, plugins:remove | Removes a plugin from the CLI |
plugins:update | Update installed plugins |
autocomplete | Display autocomplete installation instructions |
update | Update the <%= config.bin %> CLI |
which | Show which plugin a command is in |
force:cmdt:create | Creates a new custom metadata type in the current project |
force:cmdt:field:create | Generate a custom metadata field based on the field type provided |
force:cmdt:generate | Generates a custom metadata type and all its records for the provided sObject |
force:cmdt:record:create | Create a new record for a given custom metadata type in the current project |
force:cmdt:record:insert | Create new custom metadata type records from a CSV file |
alias:list, force:alias:list | List username aliases for the Salesforce CLI |
alias:set, force:alias:set | Set username aliases for the Salesforce CLI |
alias:unset | Unsets aliases for the Salesforce CLI |
force:apex:execute | Executes anonymous Apex code |
force:apex:log:get | Fetch debug logs |
force:apex:log:list | Display a list of IDs and general information about debug logs |
force:apex:test:report | Display test results for a specific asynchronous test run |
force:apex:test:run | Invoke Apex tests |
config:get, force:config:get | Get config var values for given names |
config:list, force:config:list | Lists the config variables that the Salesforce CLI uses for various commands and tasks |
config:set, force:config:set | Sets the configuration variables that the Salesforce CLI uses for various commands and tasks |
config:unset | Unsets the local and global configuration variables for the Salesforce CLI |
force:data:bulk:delete | Bulk delete records from a csv file |
force:data:bulk:status | View the status of a bulk data load job or batch |
force:data:bulk:upsert | Bulk upsert records from a CSV file |
force:data:record:create | Creates and inserts a record |
force:data:record:delete | Deletes a single record |
force:data:record:get | Displays a single record |
force:data:record:update | Updates a single record |
force:data:soql:query | Execute a SOQL query |
force:data:tree:export | Export data from an org |
force:data:tree:import | Import data into an org |
auth:accesstoken:store, force:auth:accesstoken:store | Authorize an org using an existing Salesforce access token |
auth:device:login, force:auth:device:login | Authorize an org using a device code |
auth:jwt:grant, force:auth:jwt:grant | Authorize an org using the JWT flow |
auth:list, force:auth:list | List auth connection information |
auth:logout, force:auth:logout | Log out from authorized orgs |
auth:sfdxurl:store, force:auth:sfdxurl:store | Authorize an org using an SFDX auth URL |
auth:web:login, force:auth:web:login | Authorize an org using the web login flow |
force:limits:api:display | Display current org’s limits |
force:limits:recordcounts:display | Display record counts for the specified standard and custom objects |
force:org:display | Get the description for the current or target org |
force:org:list | List all orgs you’ve created or authenticated to |
force:org:open | Open your default scratch org, or another specified org |
force:source:convert | Convert source into Metadata API format |
force:source:deploy | Deploy source to an org Use this command to deploy source (metadata that’s in source format) to an org |
force:source:deploy:cancel | Cancel a source deployment |
force:source:deploy:report | Check the status of a metadata deployment |
force:source:manifest:create | Create a project manifest that lists the metadata components you want to deploy or retrieve |
force:source:open | Edit a Lightning Page with Lightning App Builder |
force:source:retrieve | Retrieve source from an org |
force:schema:sobject:describe | Displays the metadata for a standard or custom object |
force:schema:sobject:list | List all objects of a specified category |
force:analytics:template:create | Add an Analytics template to your workspace |
force:apex:class:create | Create an Apex class |
force:apex:trigger:create | Create an Apex trigger |
force:lightning:app:create | Create a Lightning app |
force:lightning:component:create | Create a bundle for an Aura component or a Lightning web component |
force:lightning:event:create | Create a Lightning event |
force:lightning:interface:create | Create a Lightning interface |
force:lightning:test:create | Create a Lightning test |
force:project:create | Create a Salesforce DX project |
force:staticresource:create | Create a static resource |
force:visualforce:component:create | Create a Visualforce component |
force:visualforce:page:create | Create a Visualforce page |
force:user:create | Create a user for a scratch org |
force:user:display | Displays information about a user of a scratch org |
force:user:list | List all authenticated users of an org |
force:user:password:generate | Generate a password for scratch org users |
force:user:permset:assign | Assign a permission set to one or more users of an org |
help | Display help for <%= config.bin %> |
force:apex:log:tail | |
force:community:create | Creates an Experience Cloud site using a template |
force:community:publish | Publishes an Experience Builder site to make it live |
force:community:template:list | Retrieves the list of templates available in your org |
force:mdapi:convert | Convert metadata from the Metadata API format into the source format |
force:mdapi:deploy | Deploy metadata to an org using Metadata API |
force:mdapi:deploy:cancel | Cancel a metadata deployment |
force:mdapi:deploy:report | Check the status of a metadata deployment |
force:mdapi:describemetadata | Display the metadata types enabled for your org |
force:mdapi:listmetadata | Display properties of metadata components of a specified type |
force:mdapi:retrieve | Retrieve metadata from an org using Metadata API |
force:mdapi:retrieve:report | Check the status of a metadata retrieval |
force:org:clone | Clone a sandbox org |
force:org:create | Create a scratch or sandbox org |
force:org:delete | Mark a scratch or sandbox org for deletion |
force:org:shape:create | Create a scratch org configuration (shape) based on the specified source org |
force:org:shape:delete | Delete all org shapes for a target org |
force:org:shape:list | List all org shapes you’ve created |
force:org:snapshot:create | Snapshot a scratch org |
force:org:snapshot:delete | Delete a scratch org snapshot |
force:org:snapshot:get | Get details about a scratch org snapshot |
force:org:snapshot:list | List scratch org snapshots |
force:org:status | Report sandbox org creation status and authenticate to org |
force:package1:version:create | Create a first-generation package version in the release org |
force:package1:version:create:get | Retrieve the status of a package version creation request |
force:package1:version:display | Display details about a first-generation package version |
force:package1:version:list | List package versions for the specified first-generation package or for the org |
force:package:create | Create a package |
force:package:delete | Delete a package |
force:package:install | Install a package in the target org |
force:package:install:report | Retrieve the status of a package installation request |
force:package:installed:list | List the org’s installed packages |
force:package:list | List all packages in the Dev Hub org |
force:package:uninstall | Uninstall a second-generation package from the target org |
force:package:uninstall:report | Retrieve status of package uninstall request |
force:package:update | Update package details |
force:package:version:create | Create a package version |
force:package:version:create:list | List package version creation requests |
force:package:version:create:report | Retrieve details about a package version creation request |
force:package:version:delete | Delete a package version |
force:package:version:displayancestry | Display the ancestry tree for a 2GP managed package version |
force:package:version:list | List all package versions in the Dev Hub org |
force:package:version:promote | Promote a package version to released |
force:package:version:report | Retrieve details about a package version in the Dev Hub org |
force:package:version:update | Update a package version |
force:source:delete | Delete source from your project and from a non-source-tracked org |
force:source:ignored:list | Check your local project package directories for forceignored files |
force:source:pull | Pull source from the scratch org to the project |
force:source:push | Push source to a scratch org from the project |
force:source:status | List local changes and/or changes in a scratch org |
force:source:tracking:clear | Clear all local source tracking information |
force:source:tracking:reset | Reset local and remote source tracking |
force:lightning:lwc:test:create | Creates a Lightning web component test file with boilerplate code inside a __tests__ directory |
force:lightning:lwc:test:run | Invokes Lightning Web Components Jest unit tests |
force:lightning:lwc:test:setup | Install Jest unit testing tools for Lightning Web Components |
plugins:generate | Create a new sfdx-cli plugin |