nx print-affected

Prints information about the projects and targets affected by changes


--allAll projects
--base <arg>Base of the current branch (usually main)
--configuration, -c <configuration>A named builder configuration, defined in the "configurations" section of the workspace configuration file. The builder uses the named configuration to run the given target
--exclude <projects>Exclude certain projects from being processed
--files <arg>Change the way Nx is calculating the affected command by providing directly changed files, list of files delimited by commas or spaces
--head <arg>Latest commit of the current branch (usually HEAD)
--helpShow help
--select <arg>Select the subset of the returned json document (e.g., --select=projects)
--targets <targets>Targets (comma/space delimited)
--type <arg>Select the type of projects to be returned (e.g., --type=app)
--uncommittedUncommitted changes
--untrackedUntracked changes
--versionShow version number