nx migrate [packageAndVersion]

Creates a migrations file or runs migrations from the migrations file


packageAndVersionThe target package and version (e.g, @nrwl/workspace@13.0.0)


--commitPrefix <arg>Commit prefix to apply to the commit for each migration, when --create-commits is enabled
--createCommitsAutomatically create a git commit after each migration runs
--excludeAppliedMigrationsExclude migrations that should have been applied on previous updates. To be used with --from
--from <arg>Use the provided versions for packages instead of the ones installed in node_modules (e.g., --from="@nrwl/react@12.0.0,@nrwl/js@12.0.0")
--helpShow help
--ifExistsRun migrations only if the migrations file exists, if not continues successfully
--interactiveEnable/disable prompts
--runMigrations <arg>Execute migrations from a file (when the file isn't provided, execute migrations from migrations.json)
--to <arg>Use the provided versions for packages instead of the ones calculated by the migrator (e.g., --to="@nrwl/react@12.0.0,@nrwl/js@12.0.0")
--versionShow version number