northflank list

List Northflank resources


projects, project, prjLists projects for the authenticated user or team
addons, addon, adnGets a list of addons belonging to the project
invoices, invoice, invGet a list of past invoices
providersLists supported cloud providers
integrationsLists integrations for the authenticated user or team
clustersLists clusters for the authenticated user or team
jobs, jobGets a list of jobs belonging to the project
log-sinksGets a list of log sinks added to this account
registriesLists the container registry credentials saved to this account. Does not display secrets
domains, domain, dmnLists available domains
plans, plan, plnLists available billing plans
regions, region, rgnLists available project regions
vcsLists linked version control providers
pipelinesLists all pipelines for a project
release-flow-runsLists runs of a release flow
secrets, secret, scrtGets a list of secrets belonging to the project
services, service, svcGets a list of services belonging to the project
templates, template, tplGet a list of templates
template-runsGet a list of template runs
repos, repository, repositories, repoGets a list of repositories accessible to this account
branches, branch, brnGets a list of branches for the repo
volumes, volume, volGets a list of volumes belonging to the project
helpDisplay help for command


-h, --helpDisplay help for command