northflank get service

Gets information about the given service


deploymentGets information about the deployment of the given service
logs, logGet log for the specified service
metrics, metricGet metrics for the specified service
build-logs, build-logGet log for the specified service
build-metrics, build-metricGet metrics for the specified service
portsLists the ports for the given service
health-checksLists the health checks for the given service
buildsLists the builds for the service
buildGets information about a build for the service
containersGets a list of containers for the given service
branches, branch, brnGets information about the branches of the given service
pull-requestsGets information about the pull-requests of the given service
build-argumentsGets the build arguments of the given service. If the API key does not have the permission 'Project > Secrets > General > Read', secrets inherited from secret groups will not be displayed
build-argument-detailsGet details about the build arguments accessible by the given service. Also requires the permission 'Project > Secrets > General > Read'
runtime-environmentGets the runtime environment of the given service. If the API key does not have the permission 'Project > Secrets > General > Read', secrets inherited from secret groups will not be displayed
runtime-environment-detailsGet details about the runtime environment accessible by the given service. Also requires the permission 'Project > Secrets > General > Read'
helpDisplay help for command


--verboseVerbose output
--quietNo console output
--service, --serviceId <SERVICEID>ID of the service, example: example-service
--project, --projectId <PROJECTID>ID of the project, example: default-project
--noDefaultsOPTIONAL: Don't use context default values, explicitly use options or ask
-o, --output <OUTPUT>OPTIONAL: Output formatting, options: '--output json|yaml'
-h, --helpDisplay help for command