northflank get job logs

Get log for the specified job


--verboseVerbose output
--quietNo console output
--project, --projectId [projectId]Project for logs
--job, --jobId [jobId]Job to get logs from
--container, --containerId [containerId]Container to exec into (logs from all containers will be shown if not specified)
-f, --tailTail will stream logs in real-time. Session will be kept open
-l, --lineLimit [limit]Number of lines to return
--startTime <timestamp>Get logs generated after this time, example: 2020-02-02T02:02:02Z (date string) or 1580608922 (unix ts)
--endTime <timestamp>Get logs generated before this time, example: 2020-02-02T02:02:02Z (date string) or 1580608922 (unix ts)
--duration [duration]Length of timespan in seconds. Only valid if not both, startTime and endTime are set
-d, --direction <order>Direction of logs. Ignored when tailing
--textIncludes <text>Filter log lines to include this text
--textNotIncludes <text>Filter log lines to not include this text
--regexIncludes <regex>Filter log lines to match this regular expression
--regexNotIncludes <regex>Filter log lines to not match this regular expression
--noDefaultsDon't use context default values, explicitly use options or ask
-o, --output [output]Output formatting. Will use advanced formatting by default
--run, --runId [runId]Job run id, example: 162b1977-6636-4000-929b-cc265b862ff0
-h, --helpDisplay help for command