northflank get service build-arguments

Gets the build arguments of the given service. If the API key does not have the permission 'Project > Secrets > General > Read', secrets inherited from secret groups will not be displayed


--verboseVerbose output
--quietNo console output
--service, --serviceId <SERVICEID>ID of the service, example: example-service
--project, --projectId <PROJECTID>ID of the project, example: default-project
--show <SHOW>OPTIONAL: Which secrets to display - if set to `this` only the group's secrets are displayed, if set to `inherited` only secrets from linked addons are displayed, if set to `all` or not provided, both are displayed., example: all
--noDefaultsOPTIONAL: Don't use context default values, explicitly use options or ask
-o, --output <OUTPUT>OPTIONAL: Output formatting, options: '--output json|yaml'
-h, --helpDisplay help for command