northflank get
Get information about Northflank resources
Name | Description |
project, projects, prj | Get information about the given project |
addon, addons, adn | Gets information about the given addon |
invoice, invoices, inv | Get information about Northflank invoices |
integration | Get information about the given integration |
cluster | Get information about the given cluster |
job, jobs | Gets information about the given job |
log-sink | Gets details about a given log sink |
registry | Views a set of registry credential data |
domain, domains, dmn | Gets details about domain |
subdomain | Gets details about the given subdomain |
dns-id | Returns the partially random string used when generating host names for the authenticated account |
pipeline | Get details about a pipeline |
release-flow | Gets details about a release flow |
release-flow-run | Get information about the given release flow run |
secret, secrets, scrt | View a secret including its contents |
secret-details | View a secret with details about its linked addons |
secret-link | Get details about a given addon link |
service, services, svc | Gets information about the given service |
template, templates, tpl | Get information about the given template |
template-run | Get information about the given template run |
volume, volumes, vol | Retrieve a volume |
help | Display help for command |
Name | Description |
-h, --help | Display help for command |