northflank get

Get information about Northflank resources


project, projects, prjGet information about the given project
addon, addons, adnGets information about the given addon
invoice, invoices, invGet information about Northflank invoices
integrationGet information about the given integration
clusterGet information about the given cluster
job, jobsGets information about the given job
log-sinkGets details about a given log sink
registryViews a set of registry credential data
domain, domains, dmnGets details about domain
subdomainGets details about the given subdomain
dns-idReturns the partially random string used when generating host names for the authenticated account
pipelineGet details about a pipeline
release-flowGets details about a release flow
release-flow-runGet information about the given release flow run
secret, secrets, scrtView a secret including its contents
secret-detailsView a secret with details about its linked addons
secret-linkGet details about a given addon link
service, services, svcGets information about the given service
template, templates, tplGet information about the given template
template-runGet information about the given template run
volume, volumes, volRetrieve a volume
helpDisplay help for command


-h, --helpDisplay help for command