brew services

Manage background services with macOS' launchctl(1) daemon manager


cleanupRemove all unused services
listList all services
runRun the service formula without registering to launch at login (or boot)
startStart the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login
stopStop the service formula immediately and unregister it from launching at
restartStop (if necessary) and start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login (or boot)


-d, --debugDisplay any debugging information
-q, --quietMake some output more quiet
-v, --verboseMake some output more verbose
-h, --helpShow help message
--fileUse the plist file from this location to start or run the service
--allRun subcommand on all services
-v, --verboseMake some output more verbose
-h, --helpGet help with services command