brew abv [formula...]

Display brief statistics for your Homebrew installation


formulaFormula or cask to summarize


--cask, --casksList only casks, or treat all named arguments as casks
--analyticsList global Homebrew analytics data or, if specified, installation and build error data for formula
--days <days>How many days of analytics data to retrieve
--category <arg>Which type of analytics data to retrieve
--githubOpen the GitHub source page for formula in a browser
--jsonPrint a JSON representation
--installedPrint JSON of formulae that are currently installed
--allPrint JSON of all available formulae
-v, --verboseShow more verbose analytics data for formulae
--formulaTreat all named arguments as formulae
--cashTreat all named arguments as casks
-d, --debugDisplay any debugging information
-q, --quietList only the names of outdated kegs
-h, --helpGet help with services command