aws ec2 wait

Wait until a particular condition is satisfied. Each subcommand polls an API until the listed requirement is met


bundle-task-completeWait until JMESPath query BundleTasks[].State returns complete for all elements when polling with ``describe-bundle-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
conversion-task-cancelledWait until JMESPath query ConversionTasks[].State returns cancelled for all elements when polling with ``describe-conversion-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
conversion-task-completedWait until JMESPath query ConversionTasks[].State returns completed for all elements when polling with ``describe-conversion-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
conversion-task-deletedWait until JMESPath query ConversionTasks[].State returns deleted for all elements when polling with ``describe-conversion-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
customer-gateway-availableWait until JMESPath query CustomerGateways[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-customer-gateways``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
export-task-cancelledWait until JMESPath query ExportTasks[].State returns cancelled for all elements when polling with ``describe-export-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
export-task-completedWait until JMESPath query ExportTasks[].State returns completed for all elements when polling with ``describe-export-tasks``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
image-availableWait until JMESPath query Images[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-images``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
image-existsWait until JMESPath query length(Images[]) > `0` returns True when polling with ``describe-images``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
instance-existsWait until JMESPath query length(Reservations[]) > `0` returns True when polling with ``describe-instances``. It will poll every 5 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
instance-runningWait until JMESPath query Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name returns running for all elements when polling with ``describe-instances``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
instance-status-okWait until JMESPath query InstanceStatuses[].InstanceStatus.Status returns ok for all elements when polling with ``describe-instance-status``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
instance-stoppedWait until JMESPath query Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name returns stopped for all elements when polling with ``describe-instances``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
instance-terminatedWait until JMESPath query Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name returns terminated for all elements when polling with ``describe-instances``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
key-pair-existsWait until JMESPath query length(KeyPairs[].KeyName) > `0` returns True when polling with ``describe-key-pairs``. It will poll every 5 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 6 failed checks
nat-gateway-availableWait until JMESPath query NatGateways[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-nat-gateways``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
network-interface-availableWait until JMESPath query NetworkInterfaces[].Status returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-network-interfaces``. It will poll every 20 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 10 failed checks
password-data-availableWait until JMESPath query length(PasswordData) > `0` returns True when polling with ``get-password-data``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
security-group-existsWait until JMESPath query length(SecurityGroups[].GroupId) > `0` returns True when polling with ``describe-security-groups``. It will poll every 5 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 6 failed checks
snapshot-completedWait until JMESPath query Snapshots[].State returns completed for all elements when polling with ``describe-snapshots``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
spot-instance-request-fulfilledWait until JMESPath query SpotInstanceRequests[].Status.Code returns fulfilled for all elements when polling with ``describe-spot-instance-requests``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
subnet-availableWait until JMESPath query Subnets[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-subnets``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
system-status-okWait until JMESPath query InstanceStatuses[].SystemStatus.Status returns ok for all elements when polling with ``describe-instance-status``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
volume-availableWait until JMESPath query Volumes[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-volumes``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
volume-deletedWait until JMESPath query Volumes[].State returns deleted for all elements when polling with ``describe-volumes``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
volume-in-useWait until JMESPath query Volumes[].State returns in-use for all elements when polling with ``describe-volumes``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
vpc-availableWait until JMESPath query Vpcs[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-vpcs``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
vpc-existsWait until 200 response is received when polling with ``describe-vpcs``. It will poll every 1 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 5 failed checks
vpc-peering-connection-deletedWait until JMESPath query VpcPeeringConnections[].Status.Code returns deleted for all elements when polling with ``describe-vpc-peering-connections``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
vpc-peering-connection-existsWait until 200 response is received when polling with ``describe-vpc-peering-connections``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
vpn-connection-availableWait until JMESPath query VpnConnections[].State returns available for all elements when polling with ``describe-vpn-connections``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks
vpn-connection-deletedWait until JMESPath query VpnConnections[].State returns deleted for all elements when polling with ``describe-vpn-connections``. It will poll every 15 seconds until a successful state has been reached. This will exit with a return code of 255 after 40 failed checks