aws ec2 describe-snapshots

Describes the specified EBS snapshots available to you or all of the EBS snapshots available to you. The snapshots available to you include public snapshots, private snapshots that you own, and private snapshots owned by other AWS accounts for which you have explicit create volume permissions. The create volume permissions fall into the following categories: public: The owner of the snapshot granted create volume permissions for the snapshot to the all group. All AWS accounts have create volume permissions for these snapshots. explicit: The owner of the snapshot granted create volume permissions to a specific AWS account. implicit: An AWS account has implicit create volume permissions for all snapshots it owns. The list of snapshots returned can be filtered by specifying snapshot IDs, snapshot owners, or AWS accounts with create volume permissions. If no options are specified, Amazon EC2 returns all snapshots for which you have create volume permissions. If you specify one or more snapshot IDs, only snapshots that have the specified IDs are returned. If you specify an invalid snapshot ID, an error is returned. If you specify a snapshot ID for which you do not have access, it is not included in the returned results. If you specify one or more snapshot owners using the OwnerIds option, only snapshots from the specified owners and for which you have access are returned. The results can include the AWS account IDs of the specified owners, amazon for snapshots owned by Amazon, or self for snapshots that you own. If you specify a list of restorable users, only snapshots with create snapshot permissions for those users are returned. You can specify AWS account IDs (if you own the snapshots), self for snapshots for which you own or have explicit permissions, or all for public snapshots. If you are describing a long list of snapshots, we recommend that you paginate the output to make the list more manageable. The MaxResults parameter sets the maximum number of results returned in a single page. If the list of results exceeds your MaxResults value, then that number of results is returned along with a NextToken value that can be passed to a subsequent DescribeSnapshots request to retrieve the remaining results. To get the state of fast snapshot restores for a snapshot, use DescribeFastSnapshotRestores. For more information about EBS snapshots, see Amazon EBS snapshots in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide


--filters <list>The filters. description - A description of the snapshot. encrypted - Indicates whether the snapshot is encrypted (true | false) owner-alias - The owner alias, from an Amazon-maintained list (amazon). This is not the user-configured AWS account alias set using the IAM console. We recommend that you use the related parameter instead of this filter. owner-id - The AWS account ID of the owner. We recommend that you use the related parameter instead of this filter. progress - The progress of the snapshot, as a percentage (for example, 80%). snapshot-id - The snapshot ID. start-time - The time stamp when the snapshot was initiated. status - The status of the snapshot (pending | completed | error). tag:<key> - The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. For example, to find all resources that have a tag with the key Owner and the value TeamA, specify tag:Owner for the filter name and TeamA for the filter value. tag-key - The key of a tag assigned to the resource. Use this filter to find all resources assigned a tag with a specific key, regardless of the tag value. volume-id - The ID of the volume the snapshot is for. volume-size - The size of the volume, in GiB
--max-results <integer>The maximum number of snapshot results returned by DescribeSnapshots in paginated output. When this parameter is used, DescribeSnapshots only returns MaxResults results in a single page along with a NextToken response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another DescribeSnapshots request with the returned NextToken value. This value can be between 5 and 1,000; if MaxResults is given a value larger than 1,000, only 1,000 results are returned. If this parameter is not used, then DescribeSnapshots returns all results. You cannot specify this parameter and the snapshot IDs parameter in the same request
--next-token <string>The NextToken value returned from a previous paginated DescribeSnapshots request where MaxResults was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the NextToken value. This value is null when there are no more results to return
--owner-ids <list>Scopes the results to snapshots with the specified owners. You can specify a combination of AWS account IDs, self, and amazon
--restorable-by-user-ids <list>The IDs of the AWS accounts that can create volumes from the snapshot
--snapshot-ids <list> [arg...]The snapshot IDs. Default: Describes the snapshots for which you have create volume permissions
--dry-runChecks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation
--no-dry-runChecks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation
--cli-input-json <string>Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by ``--generate-cli-skeleton``. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally
--starting-token <string>A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previously truncated response. For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide
--page-size <integer>The size of each page to get in the AWS service call. This does not affect the number of items returned in the command's output. Setting a smaller page size results in more calls to the AWS service, retrieving fewer items in each call. This can help prevent the AWS service calls from timing out. For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide
--max-items <integer>The total number of items to return in the command's output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a NextToken is provided in the command's output. To resume pagination, provide the NextToken value in the starting-token argument of a subsequent command. Do not use the NextToken response element directly outside of the AWS CLI. For usage examples, see Pagination in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide
--generate-cli-skeleton <string>Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value ``input``, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for ``--cli-input-json``. If provided with the value ``output``, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command