atlas livemigrations create

Create one new migration


--clusterName <clusterName>
  • Required ✳
--dropFlag that indicates whether this process should drop existing collections from the destination (Atlas) cluster given in --destinationClusterName before starting the migration of data from the source cluster
--migrationHost <migrationHost>
  • Required ✳
--orgId <orgId>Organization ID to use. Overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable
--output, -o <output>Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file
--sourceCACertificatePath <sourceCACertificatePath>Path to the CA certificate that signed TLS certificates use to authenticate to the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster. Omit this value if --sourceSSL is not passed
--sourceClusterName <sourceClusterName>
  • Required ✳
--sourceManagedAuthenticationFlag that indicates whether MongoDB Automation manages authentication to the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster. If you set this to true, don't provide values for --sourceUsername and --sourcePassword
--sourcePassword, -p <sourcePassword>Password that authenticates the username to the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster. Omit this value if --sourceManagedAuthentication is passed
--sourceProjectId <sourceProjectId>
  • Required ✳
--sourceSslFlag that indicates whether data source has TLS enabled
--sourceUsername, -u <sourceUsername>Human-readable label that identifies the SCRAM-SHA user that connects to the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster. Omit this value if --sourceManagedAuthentication is set