atlas cluster onlinearchives create
Create an online archive for a cluster
Name | Description |
--archiveAfter <archiveAfter> |
--clusterName <clusterName> |
--collection <collection> |
--dateField <dateField> |
--dateFormat <dateFormat> | Date format for the date field. Valid values are ISODATE, EPOCH_SECONDS, EPOCH_MILLIS, or EPOCH_NANOSECONDS |
--db <db> |
--output, -o <output> | Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file |
--partition <partition> | Fields to use to partition data. You can specify up to two frequently queried fields to use for partitioning data |
--projectId <projectId> | Project ID to use. Overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable |