wp user create <user-login> <user-email>

Creates a new user


user-loginThe login of the user to create
user-emailThe email address of the user to create


--role <role>The role of the user to create. Default: default role. Possible values include ‘administrator’, ‘editor’, ‘author’, ‘contributor’, ‘subscriber’
--user_pass <password>The user password. Default: randomly generated
--user_registered <yyyy-mm-dd-hh-ii-ss>The date the user registered. Default: current date
--display_name <name>The display name
--user_nicename <nice_name>A string that contains a URL-friendly name for the user. The default is the user’s username
--user_url <url>A string containing the user’s URL for the user’s web site
--nickname <nickname>The user’s nickname, defaults to the user’s username
--first_name <first_name>The user’s first name
--last_name <last_name>The user’s last name
--description <description>A string containing content about the user
--rich_editing <rich_editing>A string for whether to enable the rich editor or not. False if not empty
--send-emailSend an email to the user with their new account details
--porcelainOutput just the new user id