wp scaffold plugin <slug>

Generates starter code for a plugin


slugThe internal name of the plugin


--dir <dirname>Put the new plugin in some arbitrary directory path. Plugin directory will be path plus supplied slug
--plugin_name <title>What to put in the ‘Plugin Name:’ header
--plugin_description <description>What to put in the ‘Description:’ header
--plugin_author <author>What to put in the ‘Author:’ header
--plugin_author_uri <uri>What to put in the ‘Author URI:’ header
--plugin_uri <uri>What to put in the ‘Plugin URI:’ header
--skip-testsDon’t generate files for unit testing
--ci <provider>Choose a configuration file for a continuous integration provider
--activateActivate the newly created plugin
--enable-networkNetwork activate the newly generated plugin
--forceOverwrite files that already exist