vault operator unseal [key]

Provide a portion of the root key to unseal a Vault server. Vault starts in a sealed state. It cannot perform operations until it is unsealed. This command accepts a portion of the root key (an 'unseal key')


keyThe unseal key can be supplied as an argument to the command, but this is not recommended as the unseal key will be available in your history


--help, -hDisplay help
-address <string>Address of the Vault server. The default is This can also be specified via the VAULT_ADDR environment variable
-agent-address <string>Address of the Agent. This can also be specified via the VAULT_AGENT_ADDR environment variable
-ca-cert <string>Path on the local disk to a single PEM-encoded CA certificate to verify the Vault server's SSL certificate. This takes precedence over -ca-path. This can also be specified via the VAULT_CACERT environment variable
-ca-path <string>Path on the local disk to a directory of PEM-encoded CA certificates to verify the Vault server's SSL certificate. This can also be specified via the VAULT_CAPATH environment variable
-client-cert <string>Path on the local disk to a single PEM-encoded CA certificate to use for TLS authentication to the Vault server. If this flag is specified, -client-key is also required. This can also be specified via the VAULT_CLIENT_CERT environment variable
-client-key <string>Path on the local disk to a single PEM-encoded private key matching the client certificate from -client-cert. This can also be specified via the VAULT_CLIENT_KEY environment variable
-header-key <string>Key-value pair provided as key=value to provide http header added to any request done by the CLI.Trying to add headers starting with 'X-Vault-' is forbidden and will make the command fail This can be specified multiple times
-mfa <string>Supply MFA credentials as part of X-Vault-MFA header. This can also be specified via the VAULT_MFA environment variable
-namespace <string>The namespace to use for the command. Setting this is not necessary but allows using relative paths. -ns can be used as shortcut. The default is (not set). This can also be specified via the VAULT_NAMESPACE environment variable
-non-interactive <string>When set true, prevents asking the user for input via the terminal. The default is false
-output-curl-string <string>Instead of executing the request, print an equivalent cURL command string and exit. The default is false
-policy-override <string>Override a Sentinel policy that has a soft-mandatory enforcement_level specified The default is false
-tls-server-name <string>Name to use as the SNI host when connecting to the Vault server via TLS. This can also be specified via the VAULT_TLS_SERVER_NAME environment variable
-tls-skip-verify <string>Disable verification of TLS certificates. Using this option is highly discouraged as it decreases the security of data transmissions to and from the Vault server. The default is false. This can also be specified via the VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY environment variable
-unlock-key <string>Key to unlock a namespace API lock. The default is (not set)
-wrap-ttl <string>Wraps the response in a cubbyhole token with the requested TTL. The response is available via the 'vault unwrap' command. The TTL is specified as a numeric string with suffix like '30s' or '5m'. This can also be specified via the VAULT_WRAP_TTL environment variable
-format <string>Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are 'table', 'json', 'yaml', or 'pretty'. The default is table. This can also be specified via the VAULT_FORMAT environment variable
-migrateIndicate that this share is provided with the intent that it is part of a seal migration process. The default is false
-resetDiscard any previously entered keys to the unseal process. The default is false