
Interact with HashiCorp Vault


readReads data from Vault at the given path
writeWrites data from Vault at the given path
deleteDeletes secrets and configuration from Vault at the given path
listLists data from Vault at the given path
loginAuthenticates users or machines to Vault using the provided arguments
agentThis command starts a Vault agent that can perform automatic authentication in certain environments
serverThis command starts a Vault server that responds to API requests. By default, Vault will start in a 'sealed' state. The Vault cluster must be initialized before use, usually by the 'vault operator init' command. Each Vault server must also be unsealed using the 'vault operator unseal' command or the API before the server can respond to requests
statusPrints the current state of Vault including whether it is sealed and if HA mode is enabled. This command prints regardless of whether the Vault is sealed
unwrapUnwraps a wrapped secret from Vault by the given token. The result is the same as the 'vault read' operation on the non-wrapped secret. If no token is given, the data in the currently authenticated token is unwrapped
auditThis command groups subcommands for interacting with Vault's audit devices. Users can list, enable, and disable audit devices
debugProbes a specific Vault server node for a specified period of time, recording information about the node, its cluster, and its host environment
kvThis command has subcommands for interacting with Vault's key-value store. Here are some simple examples, and more detailed examples are available in the subcommands or the documentation
leaseThis command groups subcommands for interacting with leases. Users can revoke or renew leases
monitorStream log messages of a Vault server. The monitor command lets you listen for log levels that may be filtered out of the server logs. For example, the server may be logging at the INFO level, but with the monitor command you can set -log-level=DEBUG
namespaceThis command groups subcommands for interacting with Vault namespaces. These subcommands operate in the context of the namespace that the currently logged in token belongs to
operatorThis command groups subcommands for operators interacting with Vault. Most users will not need to interact with these commands. Here are a few examples of the operator commands
path-helpRetrieves API help for paths. All endpoints in Vault provide built-in help in markdown format. This includes system paths, secret engines, and auth methods
pluginThis command groups subcommands for interacting with Vault's plugins and the plugin catalog. The plugin catalog is divided into three types: 'auth', 'database', and 'secret' plugins. A type must be specified on each call. Here are a few examples of the plugin commands
printThis command groups subcommands for interacting with Vault's runtime values
secretsThis command groups subcommands for interacting with Vault's secrets engines. Each secret engine behaves differently. Please see the documentation for more information
sshEstablishes an SSH connection with the target machine
tokenThis command groups subcommands for interacting with tokens. Users can create, lookup, renew, and revoke tokens
version-historyPrints the version history of the target Vault server


--help, -h [arg]Show help for vault