vault operator

This command groups subcommands for operators interacting with Vault. Most users will not need to interact with these commands. Here are a few examples of the operator commands


diagnoseThis command troubleshoots Vault startup issues, such as TLS configuration or auto-unseal. It should be run using the same environment variables and configuration files as the 'vault server' command, so that startup problems can be accurately reproduced
generate-rootGenerates a new root token by combining a quorum of share holders. Must provide either '-otp' or '-pgp-key'
initInitializes a Vault server. Initialization is the process by which Vault's storage backend is prepared to receive data. Since Vault servers share the same storage backend in HA mode, you only need to initialize one Vault to initialize the storage backend
key-statusProvides information about the active encryption key. Specifically, the current key term and the key installation time
membersProvides the details of all the nodes in the cluster
migrateThis command starts a storage backend migration process to copy all data from one backend to another. This operates directly on encrypted data and does not require a Vault server, nor any unsealing
raftThis command groups subcommands for operators interacting with the Vault raft storage backend. Most users will not need to interact with these commands. Here are a few examples of the raft operator commands
rekeyGenerates a new set of unseal keys. This can optionally change the total number of key shares or the required threshold of those key shares to reconstruct the root key. This operation is zero downtime, but it requires the Vault is unsealed and a quorum of existing unseal keys are provided
rotateRotates the underlying encryption key which is used to secure data written to the storage backend. This installs a new key in the key ring. This new key is used to encrypted new data, while older keys in the ring are used to decrypt older data
sealSeals the Vault server. Sealing tells the Vault server to stop responding to any operations until it is unsealed. When sealed, the Vault server discards its in-memory root key to unlock the data, so it is physically blocked from responding to operations unsealed
step-downForces the Vault server at the given address to step down from active duty. While the affected node will have a delay before attempting to acquire the leader lock again, if no other Vault nodes acquire the lock beforehand, it is possible for the same node to re-acquire the lock and become active again
unsealProvide a portion of the root key to unseal a Vault server. Vault starts in a sealed state. It cannot perform operations until it is unsealed. This command accepts a portion of the root key (an 'unseal key')
usageList the client counts for the default reporting period


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