poetry remove <packages>

Removes a package from the project dependencies


packagesThe packages to remove


-h, --helpDisplay help information
-v, --verboseIncrease the verbosity of messages
-vvMore verbose output
-vvvDebug output
-V, --versionDisplay this application version
--ansiForce ANSI output
--no-ansiDisable ANSI output
-n, --no-interactionDo not ask any interactive question
--no-pluginsDisables plugins
--no-cacheDisables poetry source caches
--directory <directory>The working directory for the poetry command
-q, --quietDo not output any message
--groupThe group to remove the dependency from
--devRemove a package from the development dependencies. (Deprecated) Use --group=dev instead
--dry-runOutput the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose)
--lockDo not perform operations (only update the lockfile)