pipenv lock [> requirements.txt]

Generates Pipfile.lock


> requirements.txtWrite packages into requirements.txt


--dev-onlyGenerate a requirements file with only the development requirements
--headerAdd header to generated requirements
--no-headerGenerate requirements with no header
-r, --requirementsImport a requirements.txt file
-d, --devPassing --dev will include both the default and development dependencies
--keep-outdatedKeep out-dated dependencies from being updated in Pipfile.lock
--preAllow pre-releases
--pythonSpecify which version of Python virtualenv should use
--threeUse Python 3 when creating virtualenv
--twoUse Python 2 when creating virtualenv
--clearClears caches (pipenv, pip, and pip-tools)
-v, --verboseVerbose mode
--pypi-mirrorIf you would like to override the default PyPI index URLs with the URL for a PyPI mirror