ns debug android
Start a debugging session for your project on a connected Android device or Android emulator
Name | Description |
--env.aot | Creates an Ahead-Of-Time build (Angular only) |
--env.uglify | Provides basic obfuscation and smaller app size |
--env.report | Creates a Webpack report inside a /report folder in the root folder |
--env.sourceMap | Creates inline source maps |
--env.hiddenSourceMap | Creates sources maps in the root folder (useful for Crashlytics usage with bundled app in release) |
--env.verbose | Prints verbose logs and the internal config before building |
--env.production | Enable production mode (will minify the code) |
--env.replace=from:to | Add file replacement rules. For source files (.js and .ts) this will add a new alias to the config, for everything else, this will add a new copy rule |
--no-hmr | Disables Hot Module Replacement (HMR) |
--force | Skips the application compatibility checks and forces npm i to ensure all dependencies are installed |
--device <device id> | Specifies a connected device/emulator to start and run the app |
--clean | Forces rebuilding the native application |
--emulator | Specifies that you want to debug the app in an emulator |
--timeout <seconds> | Sets the number of seconds that the NativeScript CLI will wait for the debugger to boot. If not set, the default timeout is 90 seconds |
--debug-brk | Prepares, builds and deploys the application package on a device or in an emulator, and stops at the first JavaScript line until either the debugger frontend connects or a 30 seconds timeout elapses |
--start | Attaches the debug tools to a deployed and running app |
--no-watch | Changes in your code will not be livesynced |
--aab | Specifies that the command will produce and deploy an Android App Bundle |
--env.snapshot | Creates a V8 Snapshot decreasing the app start time (only for release builds for Android) |
--env.compileSnapshot | Compiles the static assets produced by --env.snapshot into .so files allowing the native build to split them per architecture. This will reduce the app size when using the --aab option |
--env.appComponents | Allows passing additional App Components for android |