
The NativeScript CLI lets you create, build, and deploy NativeScript based apps on iOS and Android devices


helpOpen the CLI's documentation in your web browser
infoDisplays version information about the NativeScript CLI, core modules, and runtimes
updateUpdates the project with the latest versions of platform runtimes, cross-platform modules and webpack
package-managerPrints the value of the current package manager
doctorChecks your system for configuration problems which might prevent the NativeScript CLI from working properly for the specified platform, if configured
migrateMigrates the app dependencies to a form compatible with NativeScript 6.0
usage-reportingConfigures anonymous usage reporting for the NativeScript CLI. All data gathered is used strictly for improving the product and will never be used to identify or contact you
error-reportingConfigures anonymous error reporting for the NativeScript CLI. All data gathered is used strictly for improving the product and will never be used to identify or contact you
proxyDisplays the current proxy settings of the NativeScript CLI
createCreate a new Nativescript project. Press Enter for an interactive walkthrough
cleanClean your Nativescript project
previewProduces a QR code which can be used to preview the app on a device
platformLists all platforms that the project currently targets. You can build and deploy your project only for these target platforms
runRuns your project on all connected devices or in native emulators for the selected platform
debugInitiates a debugging session for your project on a connected device or native emulator
testRuns unit tests on the selected mobile platform
pluginManage the plugins for your project
resourcesManage the plugins for your project
prepareStarts a Webpack compilation and prepares the app's App_Resources and the plugins platforms directories
buildBuilds the project for iOS and produces an APP or IPA that you can manually deploy in the iOS Simulator or on a device
deployPrepares, builds and deploys the project to a connected device or native emulator. You must specify the target platform on which you want to deploy. It will deploy the app on all connected devices targeting the selected platform
installInstalls all dependencies described in a valid package.json or installs a selected NativeScript development module as a dev dependency
appstoreLists all application records in iTunes Connect. The list contains name, version and bundle ID for each application record
device, devicesLists all recognized connected Android or iOS devices with serial number and index, grouped by platform


-v, --versionView your current Nativescript CLI version