flutter test

Run Flutter unit tests for the current project


-h, --helpPrint this usage information
-v, --verboseNoisy logging, including all shell commands executed. If used with --help, shows hidden options
-d, --device-id <device id>Target device id or name (prefixes allowed)
--suppress-analyticsSuppress analytics reporting when this command runs
--pubRun 'flutter pub get' before executing this command
--no-pubDon't run 'flutter pub get' before executing this command
--null-assertionsPerform additional null assertions on the boundaries of migrated and un-migrated code. This setting is not currently supported on desktop devices
--no-null-assertionsNot performing additional null assertions on the boundaries of migrated and un-migrated code. This setting is not currently supported on desktop devices
--track-widget-creationTrack widget creation locations. This enables features such as the widget inspector. This parameter is only functional in debug mode (i.e. when compiling JIT, not AOT)
--no-track-widget-creationNo tracking widget creation locations. This disables features such as the widget inspector. This parameter is only functional in debug mode (i.e. when compiling JIT, not AOT)
--dart-define <foo=bar>Additional key-value pairs that will be available as constants from the String.fromEnvironment, bool.fromEnvironment, int.fromEnvironment, and double.fromEnvironment constructors
--web-rendererThe renderer implementation to use when building for the web. Possible values are: html - always use the HTML renderer. This renderer uses a combination of HTML, CSS, SVG, 2D Canvas, and WebGL. This is the default. canvaskit - always use the CanvasKit renderer. This renderer uses WebGL and WebAssembly to render graphics. auto - use the HTML renderer on mobile devices, and CanvasKit on desktop devices. [auto (default), canvaskit, html]
--name <regexp>A regular expression matching substrings of the names of tests to run
--plain-name <substring>A plain-text substring of the names of tests to run
-t, --tagsRun only tests associated with tags
-x, --exclude-tagsRun only tests WITHOUT given tags
--start-pausedStart in a paused mode and wait for a debugger to connect. You must specify a single test file to run, explicitly. Instructions for connecting with a debugger are printed to the console once the test has started
--coverageWhether to collect coverage information
--merge-coverageWhether to merge coverage data with "coverage/lcov.base.info". Implies collecting coverage data. (Requires lcov)
--coverage-pathWhere to store coverage information (if coverage is enabled). (defaults to "coverage/lcov.info")
--update-goldensWhether matchesGoldenFile() calls within your test methods should update the golden files rather than test for an existing match
--j, --concurrency <jobs>The number of concurrent test processes to run. (defaults to "6")
--test-assetsBuild the assets bundle for testing. Consider using --no-test-assets if assets are not required
--no-test-assetsExclude the assets bundle for build testing
--test-randomize-ordering-seedThe seed to randomize the execution order of test cases. Must be a 32bit unsigned integer or "random". If "random", pick a random seed to use. If not passed, do not randomize test case execution order
-r, --reporter <reporter>Set how to print test results. [compact] (default) A single line, updated continuously. [expanded] A separate line for each update. [json] A machine-readable format (see https://dart.dev/go/test-docs/json_reporter.md). (defaults to "compact")
--timeoutThe default test timeout. For example: 15s, 2x, none. Defaults to "30s"
--dds-portWhen this value is provided, the Dart Development Service (DDS) will be bound to the provided port. Specifying port 0 (the default) will find a random free port