expo-cli build:ios [path]

Build and sign a standalone IPA for the Apple App Store




-h, --helpOutput usage information
-c, --clear-credentials <boolean>Clear all credentials stored on Expo servers
--clear-dist-cert <boolean>Remove Distribution Certificate stored on Expo servers
--clear-push-key <boolean>Remove Push Notifications Key stored on Expo servers
--clear-push-cert <boolean>Remove Push Notifications Certificate stored on Expo servers. Use of Push Notifications Certificates is deprecated
--clear-provisioning-profile <boolean>Remove Provisioning Profile stored on Expo servers
-r, --revoke-credentials <boolean>Revoke credentials on developer.apple.com, select appropriate using --clear-* options
--apple-id <login>Apple ID username (please also set the Apple ID password as EXPO_APPLE_PASSWORD environment variable)
-t, --type <archive|simulator>Type of build: [archive|simulator]
--release-channel <name>Pull from specified release channel
--no-publish <boolean>Disable automatic publishing before building
--no-wait <boolean>Exit immediately after scheduling build
--team-id <boolean>Apple Team ID
--dist-p12-path <path>Path to your Distribution Certificate P12 (set password as EXPO_IOS_DIST_P12_PASSWORD environment variable)
--push-id <boolean>Push Key ID (ex: 123AB4C56D)
--push-p8-path <path>Path to your Push Key .p8 file
--provisioning-profile-path <path>Path to your Provisioning Profile
--public-url <url>The URL of an externally hosted manifest (for self-hosted apps)
--skip-credentials-check <boolean>Skip checking credentials
--skip-workflow-check <boolean>Skip warning about build service bare workflow limitations
--config [file]Deprecated: Use app.config.js to switch config files instead