npm version

Bump a package version


-w, --workspace <workspace...>Enable running a command in the context of the configured workspaces of the current project
-ws, --workspacesEnable running a command in the context of all the configured workspaces
--jsonShow output in json format
--allow-same-versionPrevents throwing an error when npm version is used to set the new version to the same value as the current version
--no-commit-hooksDo not run git commit hooks when using the npm version command
--no-git-tag-versionDo not tag the commit when using the npm version command
--preid <prerelease-id>The "prerelease identifier" to use as a prefix for the "prerelease" part of a semver. Like the rc in 1.2.0-rc.8
--sign-git-tagIf set to true, then the npm version command will tag the version using -s to add a signature