Run the meteor command-line tool
Name | Description |
npm | |
help | Get help on meteor command line usage |
run | Run a meteor development server in the current project. Searches upward from the current directory for the root directory of a Meteor project |
debug | DEPRECATED. The 'meteor debug' command is deprecated in favor of 'meteor --inspect-brk' |
create | Create a new Meteor project. By default, it uses React and makes a subdirectory named name and copies in the template app. You can pass an absolute or relative path |
update | Attempts to bring you to the latest version of Meteor, and then to upgrade your packages to their latest versions. By default, update will not break compatibility |
add | Add packages to your Meteor project. You can add multiple packages with one command |
remove | Removes a package previously added to your Meteor project. You can remove multiple packages with one command. For a list of the packages that your application is currently using, see "meteor list" |
list | Lists the packages that you have explicitly added to your project |
add-platform | Adds platforms to your Meteor project. You can add multiple platforms with one command |
remove-platform | Removes a platform previously added to your Meteor project |
list-platforms | Lists all of the platforms added to your project |
ensure-cordova-dependencies | Check if the dependencies are installed, otherwise install them |
build | Package this project up for deployment. The command outputs a directory with builds for all platforms in this project |
lint | Run through the whole build process for the app and run all linters the app uses |
shell | When `meteor shell` is executed in an application directory where a server is already running, it connects to the server and starts an interactive shell for evaluating server-side code |
mongo | Opens a Mongo shell to view or manipulate collections. Can only be used when developing locally |
reset | Reset the current project to a fresh state. Removes all local data |
deploy | Deploys the project in your current directory to Meteor's servers |
authorized | Manage authorized users and organizations |
login | Prompts for your username and password and logs you in to your Meteor developer account |
logout | Log out of your Meteor developer account |
whoami | Prints the username of the currently logged-in Meteor developer |
test-packages | Runs unit tests for one or more packages. The results are shown in a browser dashboard that updates whenever a relevant source file is modified |
test | Runs tests against the application |
admin | Rarely used commands for administering official Meteor services |
list-sites | List the sites that you have deployed with `meteor deploy`, and sites for which other users have authorized you with the `meteor authorized` command. To see sites in a region other than us-east-1, set the DEPLOY_HOSTNAME environment variable. For example, ` meteor list-sites` |
publish-release | Publishes a new release to the package server, as determined by a JSON configuration file |
publish | Publishes a new version of a local package to the package server. Must be runfrom the directory containing the package |
publish-for-arch | Publish a package for the same architecture that you are currently on |
search | Searches through the Meteor package and release database for items whose names match the regular expression |
show | Searches through the Meteor package and release database for items whose names match the regular expression |