helm help
Help about any command
Name | Description |
completion | Generate autocompletion scripts for the specified shell |
create | Create a new chart with the given name |
dep, dependencies, dependency | Manage a chart's dependencies |
env | Helm client environment information |
get | Download extended information of a named release |
hist, history | Fetch release history |
install | Install a chart |
lint | Examine a chart for possible issues |
ls, list | List releases |
package | Package a chart directory into a chart archive |
plugin | Install, list, or uninstall Helm plugins |
fetch, pull | Download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory |
push | Push a chart to remote |
registry | Login to or logout from a registry |
repo | Add, list, remove, update, and index chart repositories |
rollback | Roll back a release to a previous revision |
s3 | Manage chart repositories on Amazon S3 |
search | Search for a keyword in charts |
inspect, show | Show information of a chart |
status | Display the status of the named release |
template | Locally render templates |
test | Run tests for a release |
del, delete, un, uninstall | Uninstall a release |
unittest | Unittest for helm charts |
upgrade | Upgrade a release |
verify | Verify that a chart at the given path has been signed and is valid |
version | Print the client version information |