helm fetch

Download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory


--ca-file <ca-file>Verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle
--cert-file <cert-file>Identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file
--destination, -d <destination>Location to write the chart. If this and untardir are specified, untardir is appended to this
--develUse development versions, too. Equivalent to version '>0.0.0-0'. If --version is set, this is ignored
--insecure-skip-tls-verifySkip tls certificate checks for the chart download
--key-file <key-file>Identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file
--keyring <keyring>Location of public keys used for verification
--pass-credentialsPass credentials to all domains
--password <password>Chart repository password where to locate the requested chart
--provFetch the provenance file, but don't perform verification
--repo <repo>Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart
--untarIf set to true, will untar the chart after downloading it
--untardir <untardir>If untar is specified, this flag specifies the name of the directory into which the chart is expanded
--username <username>Chart repository username where to locate the requested chart
--verifyVerify the package before using it
--version <version>Specify a version constraint for the chart version to use. This constraint can be a specific tag (e.g. 1.1.1) or it may reference a valid range (e.g. ^2.0.0). If this is not specified, the latest version is used