gem update [GEMNAME...]

Update installed gems to the latest version


GEMNAMEThe gem(s) you want to update


--system [VERSION]Update the RubyGems system software
--platform <PLATFORM>Update the RubyGems system software
--prereleaseAllow prerelease versions of a gem as update targets
--install-dir, -i <DIR>Gem repository directory to get installed gems
--bindir, -n <DIR>Directory where executables will be placed when the gem is installed
--document <TYPES>Generate documentation for installed gems
--build-root <DIR>Temporary installation root. Useful for building packages. Do not use this when installing remote gems
--vendorInstall gem into the vendor directory. Only for use by gem repackagers
--no-document, -NDisable documentation generation
--env-shebang, -ERewrite the shebang line on installed scripts to use /usr/bin/env
--force, -fForce gem to install, bypassing dependency checks
--wrappers, -wUse bin wrappers for executables. Not available on dosish platforms
--trust-policy, -P <POLICY>Specify gem trust policy
--ignore-dependenciesDo not install any required dependent gems
--format-executableMake installed executable names match Ruby
--user-installInstall in user's home directory instead of GEM_HOME
--developmentInstall additional development dependencies
--development-allInstall development dependencies for all gems (including dev deps themselves)
--conservativeDon't attempt to upgrade gems already meeting version requirement
--minimal-depsDon't upgrade any dependencies that already meet version requirements
--post-install-messagePrint post install message
--file, -g <FILE>Read from a gem dependencies API file and install the listed gems
--without <GROUPS>Omit the named groups (comma separated) when installing from a gem dependencies file
--defaultAdd the gem's full specification to specifications/default and extract only its bin
--explainRather than install the gems, indicate which would be installed
--lockCreate a lock file (when used with -g/--file)
--suggestionsSuggest alternates when gems are not found