gem cert

Manage RubyGems certificates and signing settings


-a, --add <CERT>Add a trusted certificate
-l, --list [FILTER]List trusted certificates where the subject contains FILTER
-r, --remove <FILTER>Remove trusted certificates where the subject contains FILTER
-b, --build <EMAIL_ADDR>Build private key and self-signed certificate for EMAIL_ADDR
-C, --certificate <CERT>Signing certificate for --sign
-K, --private-key <KEY>Key for --sign or --build
-A, --key-algorithm <ALGORITHM>Select which key algorithm to use for --build
-s, --sign <CERT>Signs CERT with the key from -K and the certificate from -C
-d, --days <NUMBER_OF_DAYS>Days before the certificate expires
-R, --re-signRe-signs the certificate from -C with the key from -K