cordova create <path> [id] [name]

Create a project


pathDirectory which should not already exist. Cordova will create this directory
idReverse domain-style identifier that maps to id attribute of widget element in config.xml. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java package names. It is recommended that you select an appropriate value
nameApplication's display title that maps name element in config.xml file. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java class names. The default value is HelloCordova, but it is recommended that you select an appropriate value


-d, --verbosePipe out more verbose output to your shell. You can also subscribe to log and warn events if you are consuming cordova-cli as a node module by calling cordova.on('log', function() {}) or cordova.on('warn', function() {})
-v, --versionPrint out the version of your cordova-cli install
--no-update-notifierWill disable updates check
--nohooksSuppress executing hooks (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)
--no-telemetryDisable telemetry collection for the current command
--templateUse a custom template located locally, in NPM, or GitHub