cordova build <platform>

Build project for platform(s) (prepare + compile)


platformPlatform name(s) to build. If not specified, all platforms are built


-d, --verbosePipe out more verbose output to your shell. You can also subscribe to log and warn events if you are consuming cordova-cli as a node module by calling cordova.on('log', function() {}) or cordova.on('warn', function() {})
-v, --versionPrint out the version of your cordova-cli install
--no-update-notifierWill disable updates check
--nohooksSuppress executing hooks (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)
--no-telemetryDisable telemetry collection for the current command
--debugPerform a debug build. This typically translates to debug mode for the underlying platform being built
--releasePerform a release build. This typically translates to release mode for the underlying platform being built
--deviceBuild it for a device
--emulatorBuild it for an emulator. In particular, the platform architecture might be different for a device vs. emulator
--buildConfig <arg>Use the specified build configuration file. build.json file is used to specify parameters to customize the app build process especially related to signing the package