copilot task run

Run a one-off task on Amazon ECS


--app <app>Optional. Name of the application
--build-context <build-context>Path to the Docker build context
--cluster <cluster>Optional. The short name or full ARN of the cluster to run the task in
--command <command>Optional. The command that is passed to "docker run" to override the default command
--count <count>Optional. The number of tasks to set up
--cpu <cpu>Optional. The number of CPU units to reserve for each task
--defaultOptional. Run tasks in default cluster and default subnets
--dockerfile <dockerfile>Path to the Dockerfile
--entrypoint <entrypoint>Optional. The entrypoint that is passed to "docker run" to override the default entrypoint
--env <env>Optional. Name of the environment
--env-vars <env-vars>Optional. Environment variables specified by key=value separated by commas
--execution-role <execution-role>Optional. The ARN of the role that grants the container agent permission to make AWS API calls
--followOptional. Specifies if the logs should be streamed
--generate-cmd <generate-cmd>Optional. Generate a command with a pre-filled value for each flag. To use it for an ECS service, specify --generate-cmd <cluster name>/<service name>. Alternatively, if the service or job is created with Copilot, specify --generate-cmd <application>/<environment>/<service or job name>. Cannot be specified with any other flags
--image, -i <image>The location of an existing Docker image
--memory <memory>Optional. The amount of memory to reserve in MiB for each task
--platform-arch <platform-arch>Optional. Architecture of the task. Must be specified along with 'platform-os'
--platform-os <platform-os>Optional. Operating system of the task. Must be specified along with 'platform-arch'
--resource-tags <resource-tags>Optional. Labels with a key and value separated by commas. Allows you to categorize resources
--secrets <secrets>Optional. Secrets to inject into the container. Specified by key=value separated by commas
--security-groups <security-groups>Optional. The security group IDs for the task to use. Can be specified multiple times
--subnets <subnets>Optional. The subnet IDs for the task to use. Can be specified multiple times
--tag <tag>Optional. The container image tag in addition to "latest"
--task-group-name, -n <task-group-name>Optional. The group name of the task. Tasks with the same group name share the same set of resources. (default directory name)
--task-role <task-role>Optional. The ARN of the role for the task to use
--help, -hHelp for command