vue create <app-name>
Create a new project powered by vue-cli-service
Name | Description |
-p, --preset <presetName> | Skip prompts and use saved or remote preset |
-d, --default | Skip prompts and use default preset |
-i, --inlinePreset <json> | Skip prompts and use inline JSON string as preset |
-m, --packageManager <command> | Use specified npm client when installing dependencies |
-r, --registry <url> | Use specified npm registry when installing dependencies (only for npm) |
-g, --git <message> | Force git initialization with initial commit message |
-n, --no-git | Skip git initialization |
-f, --force | Overwrite target directory if it exists |
--merge | Merge target directory if it exists |
-c, --clone | Use git clone when fetching remote preset |
-X, --proxy <proxyUrl> | Use specified proxy when creating project |
-b, --bar | Scaffold project without beginner instructions |
--skipGetStarted | Skip displaying "Get started" instructions |
-h, --help | Output usage information |