tb materialize <path> <text>

[BETA] Given a local Pipe datafile path (FILENAME) and optionally a Materialized View name (TARGET_DATASOURCE), choose one of its nodes to materialize. This command guides you to generate the Materialized View with name TARGET_DATASOURCE, the only requirement is having a valid Pipe datafile locally. Use `tb pull` to download resources from your workspace when needed. Syntax: tb materialize path/to/pipe.pipe


pathfolders, filepaths


--prefix <text>Use prefix for all the resources
--push-depsPush dependencies, disabled by default
--workspace_map <text> <text>
  • Repeatable ♾
--workspace <text> <text>
  • Repeatable ♾
--no-versionsWhen set, resource dependency versions are not used, it pushes the dependencies as-is
--verbosePrints more log
--force-populate <text>Subset or full
--unlink-on-populate-errorIf the populate job fails the Materialized View is unlinked and new data won't be ingested in the Materialized View. First time a populate job fails, the Materialized View is always unlinked
--override-pipeOverride pipe if exists or prompt
--override-datasourceOverride data source if exists or prompt
--helpShow this message and exit