
Tinybird CLI


checkCheck file syntax
dependenciesPrint all data sources dependencies
diffDiffs local datafiles to the corresponding remote files in the workspace
drop-prefixDrop all the resources inside a project with prefix. This command is dangerous because it removes everything, use with care
fmtFormats a .datasource, .pipe or .incl file This command removes comments starting with # from the file, use DESCRIPTION instead. The format command tries to parse the datafile so syntax errors might rise. .incl files must contain a NODE definition
initInitialize folder layout
materialize[BETA] Given a local Pipe datafile path (FILENAME) and optionally a Materialized View name (TARGET_DATASOURCE), choose one of its nodes to materialize. This command guides you to generate the Materialized View with name TARGET_DATASOURCE, the only requirement is having a valid Pipe datafile locally. Use `tb pull` to download resources from your workspace when needed. Syntax: tb materialize path/to/pipe.pipe
promptLearn how to include info about the CLI in your shell PROMPT
pullRetrieve latest versions for project files from Tinybird
pushPush files to Tinybird
sqlRun SQL query over data sources and pipes


--debugPrints internal representation, can be combined with any command to get more information
--no-debugPrints internal representation, can be combined with any command to get more information
--token <text>Use auth token, defaults to TB_TOKEN envvar, then to the .tinyb file
--host <text>Use custom host, defaults to TB_HOST envvar, then to https://api.tinybird.co
--gcp-project-id <text>The Google Cloud project ID
--gcs-bucket <text>The Google Cloud Storage bucket to write temp files when using the connectors
--google-application-credentials <text>Set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
--sf-account <text>The Snowflake Account (e.g. your-domain.west-europe.azure)
--sf-warehouse <text>The Snowflake warehouse name
--sf-database <text>The Snowflake database name
--sf-schema <text>The Snowflake schema name
--sf-role <text>The Snowflake role name
--sf-user <text>The Snowflake user name
--sf-password <text>The Snowflake password
--sf-storage-integration <text>The Snowflake GCS storage integration name (leave empty to auto-generate one)
--sf-stage <text>The Snowflake GCS stage name (leave empty to auto-generate one)
--with-headersFlag to enable connector to export with headers
--version-warningDon't print version warning message if there's a new available version. You can use TB_VERSION_WARNING envar
--no-version-warningDon't print version warning message if there's a new available version. You can use TB_VERSION_WARNING envar
--hide-tokensDisable the output of tokens
--versionShow the version and exit
--helpShow this message and exit