shopify theme dev

Uploads the current theme as the specified theme, or a development theme, to a store so you can preview it


--store, -s <store>The development store that you want to use to preview your theme
--passwordYour Theme Access password for the store
--theme, -t <NAME_OR_ID>The ID or name of the theme that you want to preview. If you don't use this flag, then the theme is previewed using a new or existing development theme
--live-reload <MODE>The level at which content is reloaded when changes are made to the theme
--host <IP>The network interface the web server listens on. The default value is
--port <PORT>The local port to serve the theme preview from
--pollForce the polling adapter to watch file changes. You can try this option if live reload isn't working as expected
--theme-editor-sync, -eEnables two-way sync for theme JSON files. When this option is enabled, changes made in the theme editor in the Shopify admin are applied to the local copy of the theme
--ignore, -x <pattern>Skips hot reloading any files that match the specified pattern. Specify multiple patterns to ignore by using the flag multiple times in a single command
--only, -o <pattern>Hot reloads only files that match the specified pattern. Specify multiple patterns by using the flag multiple times in a single command