rush deploy

Prepares a deployment by copying a subset of Rush projects and their dependencies to a target folder


-p, --project <PROJECT_NAME>Specifies the name of the main Rush project to be deployed. It must appear in the "deploymentProjectNames" setting in the deployment config file
-s, --scenario <SCENARIO_NAME>By default, the deployment configuration is specified in "common/config/rush/deploy.json". You can use "--scenario" to specify an alternate name. The name must be lowercase and separated by dashes. For example, if SCENARIO_NAME is "web", then the config file would be "common/config/rush/deploy-web.json"
--overwriteBy default, deployment will fail if the target folder is not empty. SPECIFYING THIS FLAG WILL RECURSIVELY DELETE EXISTING CONTENTS OF THE TARGET FOLDER
-t, --target-folder <PATH>By default, files are deployed to the "common/deploy" folder inside the Rush repo. Use this parameter to specify a different location. WARNING: USE CAUTION WHEN COMBINING WITH "--overwrite". This parameter may alternatively be specified via the RUSH_DEPLOY_TARGET_FOLDER environment variable
--create-archive <ARCHIVE_PATH>If specified, after the deployment has been prepared, "rush deploy" will create an archive containing the contents of the target folder. The newly created archive file will be placed according to the designated path, relative to the target folder. Supported file extensions: .zip