pulumi login <url>

Log in to the Pulumi service




--color <mode>Colorize output. Choices are: always, never, raw, auto (default "auto")
-C, --cwd <path>Run pulumi as if it had been started in another directory
--disable-integrity-checkingDisable integrity checking of checkpoint files
-e, --emojiEnable emojis in the output
--logflowFlow log settings to child processes (like plugins)
--logtostderrLog to stderr instead of to files
--non-interactiveDisable interactive mode for all commands
--profilingEmit CPU and memory profiles and an execution trace to '[filename].[pid].{cpu,mem,trace}', respectively
--tracing <file>Emit tracing to the specified endpoint. Use the file: scheme to write tracing data to a local file
-v, --verbose <int>Enable verbose logging (e.g., v=3); anything >3 is very verbose
-l, --localUse Pulumi in local-only mode
-c, --cloud-url <url>A cloud URL to log in to
--default-org <name>A default org to associate with the login. Please note, currently, only the managed and self-hosted backends support organizations