paper build

Build an Paper bundle


--bundle, -bLoad paths as bundle files or root directories
--capabilities <capabilities>Set capabilities.json file path
--debugEnable debug output
--entrypoint, -e <entrypoint>Set slash separated entrypoint path
--exclude-files-verify <exclude-files-verify>Set file names to exclude during bundle verification
--ignore <ignore>Set file and directory names to ignore during loading (e.g., '.*' excludes hidden files)
--optimize, -O <optimize>Set optimization level
--output, -o <output>Set the output filename
--revision, -r <revision>Set output bundle revision
--scope <scope>Scope to use for bundle signature verification
--signing-alg <signing-alg>Name of the signing algorithm
--signing-key <signing-key>Set the secret (HMAC) or path of the PEM file containing the private key (RSA and ECDSA)
--target, -t <target>Set the output bundle target type
--verification-key <verification-key>Set the secret (HMAC) or path of the PEM file containing the public key (RSA and ECDSA)
--verification-key-id <verification-key-id>Name assigned to the verification key used for bundle verification
--help, -hHelp for build