nylas api events get

Return All Events


--calendar_id <calendar_id>Return events belonging to the specified calendar ID
--count <count>See [Count](/docs/api/#overview--count-view) for more information
--description <description>Return events matching the specified description
--display_columns <headers>(optional) A comma separated list of column headers to display for the table output
--ends_after <ends_after>Return events ending after the specified unix timestamp
--ends_before <ends_before>Return events ending before the specified unix timestamp
--event_id <event_id>Return the event matching the specified event ID
--limit <limit>The number of objects to return. Defaults to 100. If set too high, requests may fail to prevent excessively large response bodies
--location <location>Return events matching the specified location
--metadata_key <metadata_key>Pass in your keys to search for metadata. `?metadata_key=goodmorning`. You can also combine this with `metadata_value`, `?metadata_key=goodmorning&metadata_value=goodbye`. See [Metadata](/docs/developer-tools/api/metadata/)
--metadata_pair <metadata_pair>Pass in your metadata key and value pair to search for metadata. `?metadata_pair=goodmorning:goodnight`. See [Metadata](/docs/developer-tools/api/metadata/)
--metadata_value <metadata_value>Pass in your value to search for metadata. `?metadata_value=goodnight`. You can also combine this with `metadata_key`, `?metadata_key=goodmorning&metadata_value=goodbye`. See [Metadata](/docs/developer-tools/api/metadata/)
--offset <offset>Zero-based offset from default object sorting. See [pagination](/docs/api/#overview--pagintaion) for more information
--show_cancelled <show_cancelled>Return events that have a status of `cancelled`. If an event is recurring, then it returns no matter the value of show_cancelled. Default false
--starts_after <starts_after>Return events starting after the specified unix timestamp
--starts_before <starts_before>Return events starting before the specified unix timestamp
--title <title>Return events matching the specified title