lerna version [version]

Bump version of packages changed since the last release




--allow-branch <glob>An allowlist of globs that match git branches where lerna version is enabled
--amendPerform all changes on the current commit, instead of adding a new one
--changelog-presetChange the changelog preset type
--conventional-commitsUse the Conventional Commits Specification to determine the version bump and generate CHANGELOG.md files
--conventional-graduateGraduate the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
--conventional-prereleaseRelease with prerelease versions the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
--create-release <type>Create an official release based on the changes packages
--exactSpecify updated dependencies in updated packages exactly
--force-publishForce publish the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
--git-remote <remote>Push the git changes to the specified remote instead of origin
--ignore-changes [glob]Ignore changes in files matched by glob(s) when detecting changed packages
--ignore-scriptsDisable running lifecycle scripts during lerna version
--include-merged-tagsInclude tags from merged branches when detecting changed packages
-m, --message <msg>Use the provided message when committing the version updates for publication
--no-changelogWhen using conventional-commits, do not generate any CHANGELOG.md files
--no-commit-hooksDisable running git commit hooks
--no-git-tag-versionDon't commit changes to package.json files and don't tag the release
--no-privateDon't include private packages
--preid <identifier>Bump semver using the specified prerelease identifier
--tag-version-prefix <prefix>Change the custom version prefix
--yesSkip all confirmation prompts