lerna import <pathToRepo>
Import the package in the local path <pathToRepo> into packages/<directory-name> with commit history
Name | Description |
pathToRepo | folders |
Name | Description |
--concurrency | How many threads to use when Lerna parallelizes the tasks (defaults to count of logical CPU cores) |
--loglevel <loglevel> | What level of logs to report. On failure, all logs are written to lerna-debug.log in the current working directory |
--max-buffer <bytes> | Set a max buffer length for each underlying process call |
--no-progress | Disable progress bars. This is always the case in a CI environment |
--no-sort | The --no-sort option disables sorting, instead executing tasks in an arbitrary order with maximum concurrency |
--reject-cycles | Fail immediately if a cycle is found (in bootstrap, exec, publish or run) |
-h, --help | Show help |
-v, --version | Show version number |
--flatten | Flatten the git history of the repository to import |
--dest | Specify the destination directory by the directory listed in lerna.json |
--preserve-commit | Preserve the original committer and commit date |