kafkactl produce

Produce messages to a topic


--file, -f <file>File to read input from
--header, -H <header>
  • Repeatable ♾
--key, -k <key>Key to use for all messages
--key-encoding <key-encoding>Key encoding (none by default). One of: none|hex|base64
--key-proto-type <key-proto-type>Key protobuf message type
--key-schema-version, -K <key-schema-version>Avro schema version that should be used for key serialization (default is latest)
--lineSeparator, -L <lineSeparator>Separator to split multiple messages from stdin or file
--max-message-bytes <max-message-bytes>The maximum permitted size of a message (defaults to 1000000)
--null-valueProduce a null value (can be used instead of providing a value with --value)
--partition, -p <partition>Partition to produce to
--partitioner, -P <partitioner>The partitioning scheme to use. Can be `murmur2`, `hash`, `hash-ref` `manual`, or `random`. (default is murmur2)
--proto-file <proto-file>
  • Repeatable ♾
--proto-import-path <proto-import-path>
  • Repeatable ♾
--protoset-file <protoset-file>
  • Repeatable ♾
--rate, -r <rate>Amount of messages per second to produce on the topic
--required-acks <required-acks>Required acks. One of `NoResponse`, `WaitForLocal`, `WaitForAll`. (default is WaitForLocal)
--separator, -S <separator>Separator to split key and value from stdin or file
--silent, -sDo not write to standard output
--value, -v <value>Value to produce
--value-encoding <value-encoding>Value encoding (none by default). One of: none|hex|base64
--value-proto-type <value-proto-type>Value protobuf message type
--value-schema-version, -i <value-schema-version>Avro schema version that should be used for value serialization (default is latest)