kafkactl consume

Consume messages from a topic


--exit, -eStop consuming when latest offset is reached
--from-beginning, -bSet offset for consumer to the oldest offset
--group, -g <group>Consumer group to join
--key-encoding <key-encoding>Key encoding (auto-detected by default). One of: none|hex|base64
--key-proto-type <key-proto-type>Key protobuf message type
--max-messages <max-messages>Stop consuming after n messages have been read
--offset <offset>
  • Repeatable ♾
--output, -o <output>Output format. One of: json|yaml
--partitions, -p <partitions>
  • Repeatable ♾
--print-headersPrint message headers
--print-keys, -kPrint message keys
--print-schema, -aPrint details about avro schema used for decoding
--print-timestamps, -tPrint message timestamps
--proto-file <proto-file>
  • Repeatable ♾
--proto-import-path <proto-import-path>
  • Repeatable ♾
--protoset-file <protoset-file>
  • Repeatable ♾
--separator, -s <separator>Separator to split key and value
--tail <tail>Show only the last n messages on the topic
--value-encoding <value-encoding>Value encoding (auto-detected by default). One of: none|hex|base64
--value-proto-type <value-proto-type>Value protobuf message type