goreleaser r

Releases the current project


--auto-snapshotAutomatically sets --snapshot if the repository is dirty
--cleanRemoves the dist folder
--config, -f <config>Load configuration from file
--deprecatedForce print the deprecation message - tests only
--fail-fastWhether to abort the release publishing on the first error
--parallelism, -p <parallelism>Amount tasks to run concurrently (default: number of CPUs)
--release-footer <release-footer>Load custom release notes footer from a markdown file
--release-footer-tmpl <release-footer-tmpl>Load custom release notes footer from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-footer)
--release-header <release-header>Load custom release notes header from a markdown file
--release-header-tmpl <release-header-tmpl>Load custom release notes header from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-header)
--release-notes <release-notes>Load custom release notes from a markdown file (will skip GoReleaser changelog generation)
--release-notes-tmpl <release-notes-tmpl>Load custom release notes from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-notes)
--rm-distRemoves the dist folder
--skip-announceSkips announcing releases (implies --skip-validate)
--skip-beforeSkips global before hooks
--skip-dockerSkips Docker Images/Manifests builds
--skip-koSkips Ko builds
--skip-publishSkips publishing artifacts (implies --skip-announce)
--skip-sbomSkips cataloging artifacts
--skip-signSkips signing artifacts
--skip-validateSkips git checks
--snapshotGenerate an unversioned snapshot release, skipping all validations and without publishing any artifacts (implies --skip-publish, --skip-announce and --skip-validate)
--timeout <timeout>Timeout to the entire release process